All content shared on our website is original and subject to copyright. It is prohibited to copy, reproduce, or publish our articles on other platforms without permission. The articles, writings, images, and all other content on our blog are created through the efforts of our writers, and we place great importance on the protection of our content.
The safety and privacy of our visitors are also our priority. We implement the highest level of security measures to protect the personal data of users visiting our website. Our users’ data is not shared with third parties and is processed only in accordance with legal requirements.
Users who wish to quote or share the content found on our site are obliged to provide proper attribution and obtain permission. The copyrights of our content are protected by relevant laws, and legal action may be taken against those who do not comply with this policy.
With this privacy policy, we declare that we act in line with our mission to protect both our content and the privacy of our users.